Wakz chillin at Boljoon.

Anywhere and everywhere, Indio represent!

"Surfing is addictive!"-Boss

Law wants to be holy again.

Cool dudes, Mcmc and CLD at Kaputian.
Summertime is for finding peace and Neil got what he wanted at South Cotabato.

Indio represent all the way from the Bora-bora!

Comfy and cozy, Wakz chillin at Camotes with his Mistress.

Gnarly mermaid sighted at Capitancillo Islet.

Flex those muscle sex!

No lighter? no problem.

Nothin' like good old relaxing night.

Beach soccer bitches!

Sexyness is not a crime, says Bryan!

I smell somebody cookin' some salad grass.

Jigo always down with the I...Indio, get it?

Wakz meditating?

Beern with his good buddies at Polomolok.

Death looms when you cross the sea, who's that devilmon?
The heat can not be denied in Dahican, Boss is feelin' it.

Summer is fucking COOL! You feelin' us?
ah kuyawang waks ah!!! hahah